Welcome Small Businesses & Consumers

California Small Business and You

CalSmallBiz is a charitable mutual benefit effort designed to increase public awareness about the significance of “buying local” upon California’s economy well-being, and how the condition of small businesses in a community directly affects people where they work, play, and live.

Buying Local Supports Local
California small businesses employ 4 out of every 5 workers.  Both California’s economy and the economy of your local community depends upon the well-being of small businesses.

When you shop at at a small business, most of that money will stay working in your community in the form of shipping, delivery, stocking, marketing, sales and service by local employees; and those employees in turn spend most of their money back in the local community.

But when you buy over the internet, that money leaves the state and does nothing for you or your community.

Avoid Counterfeit and Defective Knock-offs
Small businesses are faster and often better priced than online competitors, especially if you value genuine quality.  Because small businesses have loyal local buyers with years worth of relationships, they know customers expect to find the same great values and service each day.  In response, small business inventories reliably stock quality merchandise their customers have come to rely upon and demand.

At a local small business you always have a real person to meet with, face to face, who can talk to you about the products and services, and handle any returns.  Faceless online retailers ignore your emails, limit you to online chats, make empty promises to you over the phone, and know you won’t fully read their online user agreement which removes many of your consumer rights.

Join our efforts today
Access valuable online educational tools, useful information, as well as updates about important discussions which impact both consumers and small businesses.  One key benefit of CalSmallBiz is to provide skills education to members of the general public, to prepare them with new skills, and prepare them for either business readiness or to find more gainful employement.

CalSmallBiz cares about consumer choice and the ability of small business in California to meet consumer needs.

Do something today that will help your business now and in the future.  Join CalSmallbiz!

We would appreciate it if you would share our efforts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with your circle of friends.